
Could regarded the perfect food, because, besides its great taste, honey has nutritional properties are not only medical but good used to beautician too.

Laborious than anyone, bees, and excellent architects, could be considered the best and most learned alchemists of nature. At the end of the day, his invention, honey has been used as food in all eras and cultures of mankind, and has always been known for its nutritional and medicinal qualities.

The beautiful and curious Greeks found it antiseptic, soothing, tonic, diuretic and laxative. Even in the Egyptian culture was part of the ritual used in mummification, besides that he was included among the foods that the deceased had to be free from hunger during their journey to the afterlife.


Because of its components, the honey is classified in the food group hydrocarbon, ie, those formed by hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, elements that provide calories to the body, which translates into energy.

But it is not as simple as it seems. The composition of honey involved more than 70 different substances, according to variety, depending on the type and quantity of flowers by bees libadas, the type of hive and regional climatic conditions. 60 to 80 percent of honey is composed of monosaccharides, simple sugars that the body assimilates directly, 1.7% sucrose, 4.8% dextrin, 0.2% natural rubber, which, together with dextrin, preventing honey crystallizes, 0.8% of protein and amino nitrogen materials, among other, 2.8% of non-sugar, 20% water if greater this proportion, it accelerates the deterioration of vitamins and enzymes, and 0.3% organic acids, including citric acid, lactic acid, formic acid and phosphoric.

Not content with that, honey contains minerals such as potassium (especially the dark, from forests) and phosphorus, the latter being important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, trace elements such as aluminum, cadmium, silicon, boron, titanium , lead, nickel, zinc, lithium, tin, chromium and radio, small amounts of B vitamins, vitamin C and pantothenic acid, both plant and animal enzymes (from the pollen of flowers and the bees themselves), which are in charge of facilitating the body easily assimilated sugars without causing gastrointestinal problems, and inhibin, which provide their antibiotic action and, acting together with mono-and acetylcholine which also promotes blood supply to honey bring an action on wound healing. One of the reasons that you should avoid submitting to the honey to high temperatures is that Inhibins destroyed by action of light and heat.

Perhaps the bad news is for those watching their calorie counting diet, because 100 grams of honey contains 325 calories, but this is especially recommended for those who require extra doses of energy, such as athletes, people who perform physically demanding activities and intellectuals, children and the elderly. While honey is perfectly assimilated by the vast majority of people, there may be some cases where there is any adverse reaction, such as those who are allergic to pollen and, of course, people with diabetes.

Magic Formulas

Beyond its sweet taste, the undeniable pleasure of smeared onto a piece of freshly baked bread or added as a sweetener in juices and drinks, for medicinal and cosmetic properties, honey can be used in many different ways.

Healing and moisturizing properties make it the number one ingredient in creams and ointments to the skin. Diluted in warm milk is an excellent lotion that is applied to the face and body, mixed with egg yolk and a few drops of almond oil for dry or lemon juice for oily skin cleansing mask is an excellent preventive and wrinkles . In addition, mixed with an infusion of watercress, served to mitigate the spots on the skin, combined with glycerin and lemon juice helps to relieve irritation and burns caused by heat stroke.

Honey is the star protagonist of hundreds of home remedies, prescribed to alleviate and prevent all kinds of ailments, from arthritis and fever to excessive sexual desire.

In case of throat irritation caused either by influenza, inflammation or injury or sores in the mouth, it is recommended gargle with a spoonful of honey diluted in half a glass of warm water. Similarly, in cases of cough, thanks to monosaccharides, honey has an expectorant and antitussive effect.

For their part, people suffering from gastric ulcer are advised to take a teaspoon of pure honey in the morning, leaving it well diluted in the mouth before swallowing, then must wait at least an hour before eating anything else.

The combination of honey and lemon juice is also recommended for fever cases, taking several teaspoons throughout the day.

Its consumption has positive effects at heart, as it encourages the production of organic phosphate compounds that regulate heart rate and stimulate coronary irrigation. Also, being rich in minerals and trace elements, influences on rheumatic diseases, stimulates the hepatic metabolism and therefore has a detoxifying effect on the whole body, and is a wonderful restorative.

The enemies of the skin - Part Two

We must be proactive if you want to control skin aging: we see all the other causes which, if not considered carefully, affecting the appearance of early signs of aging.


Eating a healthy and balanced is essential not only to maintain the physical form, but also to preserve the body structure: a diet low in fruits and vegetables, for example, means that it triggers a process that goes to oxidative damage cellular structure.

Proper nutrition must be rich in antioxidant foods, low sodium, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and carbonated beverages, and plenty of water and a natural.

Hormones - Menopause

When the female body is approaching the menopause reduces the production of hormones, and this makes you lose the skin density as cell renewal slows down: this process is subjective, even if inevitable, and varies for each individual.

The muscles and facial expressions

It's called my-aging and is linked to facial expressions due to emotions and how to communicate: when you repeat the movements of facial muscles, the underlying dermis undergoes contraction and deconcentration, and after 30 years, these signs become permanent because skin begins to no longer be able to decontrarre muscles.

We must say that this type of aging does not involve the degradation of skin fibers, or the structure of collagen and elastin and the thickness of the dermis remain intact.

The enemies of the skin - first part

As mentioned previously, the skin aging due to several factors, some genetic, but also because of external factors that can accelerate this process.

The sun

Why the sun ages the skin?

The sun is a source of energy, which breaks the molecules of living matter, when it comes into contact with it, creating other types of substances such as free radicals, primarily responsible for the destruction of cell structure: if one is exposed to sunlight in so long without adequate protection, the production of free radicals and increases cellular structures self-destructing, the skin is dehydrated and often appear depigmentation problems (spots, keratoses, etc.), blood vessels dilate causing problems of rosacea.

All this happens even with exposure to artificial UV lamps.

Pollution and stress

The process of photo-aging is also accelerated by a factor ambiantale smog, pollution, cigarettes and bustle have considerable weight on the early appearance of wrinkles.

Pollution ambiantale damage the respiratory system, and also for the skin, causing dehydration, dryness, redness, etc..

And if such pollution is difficult to control, at least would be necessary to avoid those caused by smoke cigarettes are very harmful to the skin, in addition to causing extensive damage to the body.

The smoke leaves its mark: increase wrinkles, crows feet, cheeks relaxed, the wrinkles on the lips, the skin becomes thinner and dry ...

In short, smoking cessation would work to normalize the skin and stem the damage.

Even stress and hectic pace of life are no less: as much as possible, try to carve out personal spaces to relax and throw away the fatigue and worries of the day by indulging in all the moments for you, it will benefit the skin.


Consume a large amount of vegetables is a great support not only to diet and proper nutrition, but also for a range of benefits they bring to the body.

The vegetables contain very little fat and calories and, more importantly, recent research confirms that many substances contained in them have a protective effect on the organism.

Eat vegetables covers us from the harmful pathogens (eg free radicals), reduces the risk of cancer in the digestive system, removes the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and has effective action against aging .

Examine the properties of some vegetables:


Are rich in potassium, fiber and iron have a protective effect on aging eyes as they contain vitamin C, E and beta carotene.


Contains a fiber that acts on the balance of intestinal bacterial flora is rich in antioxidants.


Are rich in sugar and potassium, fiber and beta carotene: the latter (it's an antioxidant) is very useful in preventing dermatological, helps the eyes and the immune system.


Rich in sulfur, is very useful to fight cardiovascular disease: contains antioxidants which help prevent the risk of cancer.


Contain vitamin C, E and potassium: its flowers contain beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C. It would be best eaten raw because cooking with disperse many qualities. .


Rich in antioxidants, potassium and folic acid, are useful for the formation of red blood cells.


In all its varieties, is rich in proteins and sugars, vitamins (A, B1, B2) of
sulfur, arsenic, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, magnesium, potassium and iron. Helps combat headaches, ulcers and rheumatic pain: useful for skin diseases.


Diuretic, laxative and antianemic, aubergines contain vitamins A, B1, B2, phosphorus, calcium and solanine (a poisonous alkaloid) that is lost during cooking
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