The way men and women showed a sign of love is often not the same. For example by giving a seductive glance, Hair play is an example that is often in the show by a woman in giving the sign of love, while men like to show off their arm biceps muscle.
Some obvious and some more cues are often very vague, but all were used in the relationship. The following will be mentioned several movements are common and uncommon, eye blink, or posture of the body to attract the opposite sex and describe what it meant. Be careful, signs of abuse is important. Cues nonverbal gave permission for prospective lovers to enter chamber is "intimate" you.

Lure: there is right and wrong ways to show that you are interested.
Do not:
  1. Turned away
  2. "Sweeping" the room
  3. Providing a stupid smile
  1. Turning to face the people you love
  2. Shows the inside of your palms
  3. Give a sincere smile
  4. Concentrate on the eyes of people you like
A man who would be interested in:
  1. Your eyes a little longer
  2. Make eye contact, turned his eyes, then looked back at your eyes. This is a sign he wants to know you better.
  3. Touching arms, hands, or shoulders when you talk. This message is, "I'm friendly."
  4. Straightening her clothes and hair with hands, This message is to say that I want to look good for you.
  5. Over to you: talk less, so you can hear so invited him to go into the office and make an exclusive for you conversation alone.
  6. Massage the outer thigh
  7. Narrow your eyes while you talk to him
  8. Thumb hooked in the waist ikkat
  9. Playing cuffs, slapped the dust from his jacket, smoothed her hair.
  10. Moving jaw
  11. Playing a glass or a pen in his palm.
A woman who was interested in:
  1. Glance: this is the tantalizing hint that the woman while looking boldly bent his head, gave the message, "I am shy but brave"
  2. Winked
  3. Move your hand above the limb, stating you can create a more intimate contact.
  4. Releasing a shoe from the legs and swung her toes. Releasing nating-rings.
  5. Touching his thigh or knee. The length of time he did this depends on the intensity of your passion.
  6. Opening her lips and lick it
  7. Hair play
  8. Massage the head or neck
  9. Crossed her legs a few times
  10. Directing his knee to the man who caught his attention.
Some other things that need to be done in men and women in relationships:
Tilt your head:
Men and women do this during the meeting. If this is done with a smile, said "I am a friendly person." Tilt your head while listening to show you are interested in what the talk. But threw her head back saying "I am more superior."
Raise one shoulder, tilt your head to the side of it, and opened the palm of the hand, saying, "I surrender" and this is one way that shows that you are harmless and can be approached
Pigeon Feet:
Sebaian Although most people do not see the legs, feet with toes leads into an invitation. This is the same with a shrug.
Imitate the movements like a mirror:
Positioning your body so as to resemble the position of the person talking to you normally declare mutual closeness. Level of interest can be tested by performing posture changes slowly and see if that person mengikutunya.

So a few things that I can share about the body language of the language and gesture of love. Pleased to read other things about body language? ok please read this one too.

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